Headshot Guide
The purpose of a headshot is to portray your unique look to a potential client or for a desirable project. You should not look drastically different in-person when compared to your headshot. You should be comfortable in what you are wearing and with how you look, as it will translate to a more honest, authentic you.
The guide below will help you prepare for your headshot session. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!
Though your clothing should not be the focus of a headshot, you should absolutely feel comfortable with what you are wearing. If you don't love it, you won't shoot well in it! Unless a certain look was requested, I recommend simple clothing. I typically shoot tight/close, so very little clothing will appear in your photo.
If you're not sure if it will work, bring it! Though we will not likely use everything, I recommend bringing several alternatives.
Note that if you are a business professional, your attire should reflect your field, regardless of comfort.
Avoid bright colors, and overly embellished tops. I recommend that women bring a variety of tops with different necklines.
If you're not sure what to wear, go with a simple, plain t-shirt, but avoid bright and white. I think guys look great in both crew and v-neck shirts.
Your hair should reflect how you want to present and market yourself.
To ensure a fresh look, it is suggested that you wash and style your hair the day of the shoot. Oily hair will not style as well.
We have a hair stylist available for minor hair touchup, and for straightening or blow dry. Be sure to discuss with us prior to your session, so we can plan accordingly. See rates page for pricing.
I recommend natural, everyday hair, and not overdone. You should look like you do on a extraordinarily good hair day, but not like you're walking the red carpet.
If you would like to shoot with facial hair, you can come with whatever level of growth you’d like, and, if preferred, you can shave or trim it during the shoot. We can provide a beard trim for a fee, but please bring your own shaving products.
Try to plan ahead for face exfoliation, lip moisturization, and eyebrow/lip waxing. Bring your favorite lip moisturizer with you on the day of your shoot.
Note that temporary blemishes, such as acne, will be removed during editing. However, I am careful not to remove natural markings, such as freckles and moles, unless explicitly requested.
I recommend natural, daytime makeup. You can also bring your makeup, and we can make subtle changes as the shoot progresses.
I don't recommend makeup on men, but we can provide light grooming on the shoot for a fee, if you'd like. All our work is retouched afterward, so blemishes should not be of concern.
Social Media Photo Usage
When a photo from a BAMES PHOTO session is posted on social media for personal or marketing purposes, photo credit must be given to BAMES PHOTO. Example: PC: @bamesphoto
Please do not post a further altered version of a purchased photo from a session with BAMES PHOTO. If a different look is desired for use on social media, please contact me to discuss professional editing to accommodate your desired look.
BAMES PHOTO reserves the right to use photos from your session on social media for portfolio marketing purposes, unless there was a prior agreement to other terms.